Monday, December 7, 2009

Fine China - tea cups

I adore these 3 cups, they are like fairies from forest... They are my tea friend's collections, the photos are also taken by him.

Just some thoughts

Last week, I post a topic at a Chinese tea friends website. The topic is that " I want to brew tea and go fishing with tea friends at beach. Anyone want to join me?" I spent nights following up with my topic and wished there are some tea friends live in Sydney. The result is ONE. I only found one tea friend! She is a busy mom, couldn't make it. To be honest, I feel more and more lonely in Sydney because without good tea friends. I always remembered the fantastic time I spent in China with those of tea friends and tea shop owners. I can just walk in any tea shop, have a nice chat with the shop owner the whole afternoon. And the interesting part is, if the owner knows that you do know tea, they would be very happy to share their best tea with you:). Sometimes, I bring my good teas to them as well. I did the same thing in Sydney once. Several months ago, with one of my friend, I brought my favorite Big Red Robe (a type of Oolong tea) and visited TAKA TEA at Double Bay. This is my second time visiting. Mr TAKA was surprised by my gift. He said that we only did such things in Taiwan.......we all smiled........afterwards, certainly he brewed the best Gyokuro for us :))))

If every business turns out to be " not just business", will this world becomes Shangri- La ^-^

Sunday, December 6, 2009

When contemporariness meets tradition

On 28th November, cooperated with White Rabbit Gallery-a Chinese contemporary art gallery, I organized a Chinese tea ceremony. It’s an enjoyable Saturday afternoon.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Challenge faced by small farmers of Dragon's Well green tea

The photos in the previous two blogs are taken by one of my tea friends. Her parents are the tea farmers in Dragon's Well village. They have the best Dragon's Well green tea, but hard to sell. Meanwhile, the market is full of fake Dragon's well green tea. Why?

Because the big companies dominate the whole tea market and lots of small doggy companies also want to share this market. Small farmers live in the countryside and hardly have channel to talk to consumer directly. They neither have sufficient fund nor resource to enter the market and compete with giant companies.

I wish there is FAIR TRADING compaign in China as well...........

Dragon's Well Green Tea

How to make Dragon's Well Green Tea manually

Crucial step of producing tea

This step looks simple from the photo, but it's actually very complex. And it's a crucial step to decide the final quality of tea. Imaging, the pan is with over 100 degree temperature, the farmer uses their own hands rolling tealeaves instead of stirrers. A good tea maker know how much pressure and temperature needed, how and when to change hand movements. Sometimes, the hand's movements can be over 10 types.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Some photos about Tea Ceremony in China

here are something about slowing down, appreciation and peace....